SpeQ Mathematics 3.4

SpeQ Mathematics 3.4 is the newest version available. There is no beta version available at the moment.

SpeQ Mathematics 4.0

Besides continued development of SpeQ Mathematics 3.4, I have started rewriting the program from scratch. So far SpeQ was developed using a (very nice and fast) Basic programming language. However, I'm reaching the limits of what is possible with a Basic language. The program gets more and more complex and becomes hard to maintain. Also, support for matrices and inline plots is not possible in the current set up.

The new version of SpeQ will be written using Java (not the earlier mentioned C++), and focuses on online and mobile use (anytime, anywhere). Main features will be:

  • Small, fast, easy, no-nonsense
  • Support for real and complex values, strings, units, lists, matrices
  • All calculations in the sheet will be kept up to date automatically (no need to recalculate the sheet now and then)
  • Plots will be drawn inside the sheet (at the answer line)
  • Of course all functions that where built in will be available
  • A web application, mobile application, desktop application, ...
  • Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS)
  • Open source
  • And much more...